Multilingual UserVoice

Multilingual UserVoice

Serve your customers in their native language with a multilingual UserVoice

Want your UserVoice to speak to the world? Make it multilingual

Providing a good customer service experience means giving the customer the answers they want in a timely and efficient way. It also means speaking to them in a way that they understand and there's no easier way to do this than by integrating Localizer with UserVoice. Using just a single line of code, give your UserVoice content a multilingual edge to make sure your customers are kept happy.

What is UserVoice?

UserVoice is a SaaS platform that provides customer support and product management tools to users

Why make UserVoice multilingual?

By making UserVoice multilingual, your business can cater for an international customer base in their own language

How can Localizer make UserVoice multilingual?

UserVoice can be served in up to 180 different languages by integrating Localizer

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