Localize StatusPage

Localize StatusPage

Get localized StatusPage content almost instantly

Broadcast your status to a global audience with a localized StatusPage

If you've got any issues with your website, letting customers know straight off the bat is the crucial to ensure that it doesn't turn into a big problem. StatusPage provides the ability to create specific status pages for such things, but can be made much more effective if each page is localized. This means that no matter what language your customer speaks, you can use your localized status page to ensure they're kept in the loop at all times.

What is StatusPage?

StatusPage is a platform that allows users to create a status page for specific purposes on their website or application

Why localize StatusPage?

Localizing your StatusPage content means customers across multiple languages can read your status pages in their native language

How can Localizer localize StatusPage?

Localizer can fully localize your StatusPage content in only a few clicks and serve it in up to 180 languages

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