Translate Unbounce

Translate Unbounce

Localize your Unbounce landing pages using one line of code

Want a lower bounce rate? Speak to customers in their own language with localized Unbounce landing pages

As the name suggests, Unbounce helps businesses create landing pages that people want to visit and then stay on. However, to be certain of a low bounce rate, translate your Unbounce landing pages by integrating Localizer. With one line of code, you can have your content visible across multiple languages and ensure all visitors are served the page in their preferred language.

What is Unbounce?

Unbounce is a drag and drop landing page builder that makes it easy to build landing pages without the aid of a developer

Why translate Unbounce?

Translating your Unbounce landing pages will decrease your bounce rates and increase conversions as customers are served your content in a way they understand

How can Localizer translate Unbounce?

Localizer can translate your Unbounce landing pages and serve them in multiple languages with just one line of code

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