Localize SimpleSite

Localize SimpleSite

Localize your SimpleSite site in minutes

Localizing your SimpleSite is an easy way to drive global traffic

SimpleSite takes the effort out of building a website. By integrating SimpleSite with Localizer, you'll be able to localize your website using just a single line of code. After that, all it takes is a few clicks for you to add up to 180 different languages to drive traffic on a global scale.

What is SimpleSite?

SimpleSiteis a website builder and hosting company from Denmark. Their services serve more than 18 million users online.

Why localize SimpleSite?

Localize your SimpleSite to target a global market

How can I localize SimpleSite with Localizer?

Localizer and a single line of code is all the help you need to localize and serve your SimpleSite content in up to 180 languages

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