Make SimpleDifferent Multilingual

Make SimpleDifferent Multilingual

Make your SimpleDifferent site multilingual almost instantly

Making your SimpleDifferent site multilingual is the key to unlocking more visitors

Unlock the true potential of your SimpleDifferent website by making it multilingual with Localizer. You're one line of code and a couple of clicks away from reaching out to a global audience. Install the custom Localizer code to the backend of your site and start making your content multilingual straight away.

What is SimpleDifferent?

SimpleDifferent is a very easy, clear, rapid and pleasant tool to create a website, for yourself, your company, or a client.

Why make SimpleDifferent multilingual?

By making your SimpleDifferent site multilingual, you can target international users across languages

How can Localizer make SimpleDifferent multilingual?

A multilingual SimpleDifferent site is easy with Localizer's one-step integration

Show me how to integrate