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How to automatically translate any website

 by anthony on  |
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Localizer's fantastic Automated Tasks feature allows you to set up specific translation rules that make sure all new content added to your site is instantly translated exactly in the way you want.
  1. Go to the Phrases tab in your Localizer account, then select Untranslated Phrases from the dropdown menu.
  2. Hit the Advanced link on the right and the Set Up Automated Task button will appear.
  3. Set up your translation filters, then click the Set Up Automated Tasks button.
  4. On the popup screen, pick the type of translation you want or if you want to ignore all phrases for this filter.
  5. Name your task and hit the Enable Automation button.

That wasn’t so hard at all now, was it? If you want to see or delete any tasks you’ve got set up, you can quickly and easily check them out by clicking on the Automated Tasks option under the Menu button. If you haven't started translating yet, check out the different types of translation you can use or take a look at our three click translation guide.

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